FootFetish » Foot Worship » TM Fetish - Little Luna, Mikayla Miles - Step-Sis Stolen

TM Fetish - Little Luna, Mikayla Miles - Step-Sis Stolen

First Scene: 3 minutes

Luna's step brother recently broke up with his girlfriend, as a result he has asked Luna to go to his ex's house and pick up his things. Upon arriving Luna rudely demands that Mikayla return her brothers things. Luna grows impatient as Mikayla refuses to give Luna anything. Eventually Mikayla comes up with a sinister Idea and uses Luna's love for her step-brother against her. Mikayla agrees to give back all of her step-brother's things on one condition, Luna has to smell Mikayla barefeet. Mikayla says Luna has always been a bitch to her and she feels that Luna should make for it by smelling her feet. Luna almost gags at the idea since she absolutely hates feet. Mikayla however presses the issue and says it is the only way, knowing full well Luna will do anything for her step-brother. Luna reluctantly takes a whiff of Mikayla’s feet which puts her into a mindless trance.

Mikayla: “I've had a change of heart, I don't think you've earned my forgiveness yet.”

Luna just stares at Mikayla’s feet with a mindless blank look on her face

Mikayla: “I'm sure you won't have a problem sticking around for a bit right?”

Luna:.... “not a problem..”

Mikayla: “After all you'll do anything for your step-brother right Luna?”

Luna: “anything...for my step-brother”

The scene fades to black with one final shot of Luna's drooling face.

MP4 * 1.50 GB * 00:25:59 * 1920x1080


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