FootFetish » Foot Worship » Brat Princess 2 - Princess Amber - Financial slave gets Caned

Brat Princess 2 - Princess Amber - Financial slave gets Caned

Brat Princess 2 - Princess Amber - Financial slave gets Caned

Ambers financial slave got her an all expense paid vacation to Las Vegas, just like she wanted. While Amber stays in a Palms penthouse suite, the slave stays in the Super 8 a few miles from the strip. Amber is mad that the slave spent money on a motel for itself. It should be sleeping in its car so that it has more money to give to Amber, and so that it can drive straight to her whenever she needs something. The slave agrees to do anything. It is just so desperate to be near its beautiful, young, Princess. It tries n tries to keep her happy, but all Princess Amber wants from the slave is more and more of his money.
The slave voices that its upset that Amber is going out with another guy in the evening. Amber just laughs at him. She explains that her date is very attractive. Her date doesnt have a lot of money like the slave, but she has the slave to pay for things, so her date doesnt really need to be well endowed in every way. Amber tells her slave to give her money so that she can go to a nice place on her date with the handsome man. Amber counts the funds she has just collected from her financial slave while it kisses her feet. Shes upset that the money isnt enough, but the slave agrees to go get more cash.
While the slave is getting cash, Ambers room service arrives. She wanted filet mignon as a snack, but the financial slave ordered it at the wrong temperature. Amber likes medium rare but got medium. Everyone knows that overcooking fillet mignon ruins it completely and make it totally inedible. Amber has had it. She decides to give the slave a strict caning before taking its cash and leaving to go out on her date. Amber angrily hits the slave with the cane several times on cold skin. It leaves deep red welts. The crying slave agrees to get Amber even more money to help calm her down.
Amber counts the additional money she has collected from her financial slave while admiring the freshly made cane marks on the slaves ass. Satisfied with the damage she has done to his body n wallet, Amber contentedly leaves to enjoy her date with the handsome man.

MP4 * 715 MB * 00:09:46 * 1920x1080


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